21 Days of Downsizing – Day 8
Welcome to my 21 day series of downsizing my NYC shoebox apartment for a move to Australia! Alex + I have already downsized about 70% of our belongings, but I’ve got some “on the fence” items from my closet and I could use a bit of help!
If you know me well, you know that while I’ve come around on downsizing my fashuun, I will *gulp* NEVER downsize my stuffed animals. Cuz #crazystuffedanimallady
So, tune in to help me decide what closet items to keep or not to keep! Simultaneously, I’ll introduce you to one of my stuffed animal friends, cuz I could NEVER downsize them!
Day 8 – Squirreled Away
Meet Toto.

When Christina and Alex met in Taiwan back in 2015, Alex learned of Christina’s love of squirrels. At the stationery and school supplies store close to Shida University, he discovered a cute little critter chilling from a chain and decided to give her a new home.
Alex did not know it at the time, but Toto would be the first adiboo of many that he would get for Christina.
At the time, Alex also did not realize the extent of Christina’s adiboo obsession. It was the very beginning of their relationship, only weeks in, before any nicknames, before knowing one another’s habits, before understanding one another’s pet peeves.

It was still that sticky, oozey, sugary, sappy honeymoon stage.
Toto often showed up to hang out with Alex and Christina during their activities in Taiwan. She’d sit in the side pocket of Christina’s coat while taking the subway. She’s sit at the dinner table watching Christina’s grandma eat. She made appearances at hangouts, stashed in the pocket of a backpack, tucked into the pocket of a shirt.

She always found a way.
She paved the way…for many newcomer adiboos.

Now For Fashuun: To Keep or Not To Keep
On the fence about the below items. To keep or not to keep? Comment below!

- light sage green jacket with zipper details
- chambray denim button down top
- geometric patterned scarf from Taiwan!
- black hat with gold lurex that’s been worn a ton so thinking to get a cream, tan or pink one instead
Stay tuned for day nine…